Hi, Welcome back to my blog. Today I will be telling you a bit more about what I like to do while I'm in quarantine. As I said in my previous blog post I love to read. Right now I am reading book 4 of the Twilight series and I am really enjoying reading the book. I love to read about any mythical creatures and vampires are my favorite type of 'monster'. In between having my " nose in my book " as my Mum likes to say, I like to dance. Yesterday I had my first two online dance classes. It was really nice seeing everyone from my dance class, but it came as a bit of a shock when I found out how inflexible I had become within 5 days. I think that it is really nice how the dance school is trying to still keep up the lessons, but still I wish that my ballet school would put up dance classes online. I thought that the online class when really well considering how much space most people had. We learnt the rest of the syllabus for contemporary and learnt a combo to a Billie Eilish song - Everything I wanted. I also got to do some work in my pointe shoes. ( It is my first year with pointe shoes so I am super excited to use them )

My Pointe shoes
That's what I like to do in quarantine. What do you like to do and why?